Some New Wayne....Check It Out!!!!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Something You Might Not Know About Me

What would you say if I told you that I was not born in the United States? Would you believe me? Well its true! Believe it or not on September 17, 1990 I was born in Okinowa, Japan. The first thing people think when they here this is that im part Japanese, which is not true. My mother and father are both in the military (Air Force). When my mom was pregnent with me, she just so happened to have an assignment overseas where she was stationed at a base in Japan. Some people tell me that its pretty cool to not be born in the U.S., but to me sometimes it can be a little embarassing. I have accepted it now it doesn't bother me any more.

1 comment:

sexyvirgoressie said...

wow thats really intresting.if you told me that i dont know if i would beleave it ,well mabe i would beacuse my best friend was born if jamaca not because she lived there but because her mother and father were on there honeymoon.